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Railway Freight Transport Reduces Prices and Fees, and Enterprise Transport Benefits


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Railway Freight Transport Reduces Prices and Fees, and Enterprise Transport Benefits

Since May 31, the railway department will reduce the charges for the Commission operation and maintenance of special railway lines and the maintenance of self-owned locomotives and freight cars. It is estimated that the profit will be about 940 million yuan annually to the majority of cargo owners and enterprises to further reduce the cost of social logistics and support the development of the real economy. 

This is another profitable policy of the railway sector after the reduction of freight prices and fees and the concession of profits of 6 billion yuan on April 1.

Abrasive and abrasive tools products can not be separated from railway transportation. The second round reduction fee will effectively reduce the logistics cost of enterprises and reduce the burden of enterprises.    

Since this year, the Railway Corporation has implemented a series of freight tariff reduction measures, with a total cost reduction of nearly 7 billion yuan, which has supported the real economic development with practical actions. It is reported that next step, the railway department will strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of fee reduction measures to ensure the implementation of various initiatives.